Δράσεις του Γενικού Νοσοκομείου Καβάλας
- Ενημερωτικές εκδηλώσεις
- Επισκέψεις ανταλλαγής εμπειριών και γνώσεων
- Μελέτη βελτίωσης συνθηκών υγείας και ασφάλειας
- Πιστοποίηση υγείας και ασφάλειας
- Μελέτη και πιστοποίηση υπηρεσιών παροχής Ιατρικού Τουρισμού
Εξοπλισμός Γενικού Νοσοκομείου Καβάλας
- Monitor for continuous Recording of tcpO2/tcpCO2 by a sensor
- Washing machine for safe and faster cleaning of endoscopes in the endoscope unit gastroscopic diathermy
- new sets of tools for neurosurgical interventions
- new sets of tools for OMSS Microsection
- Energy source with ultrasound and cationic action for special dental surgery
- Pilot Telemedicine System linking hospitals
- Purchase of Ambulance TypeC with live data transmission Telemedicine for Transportations (including Regular) of emergency case patients in the Cross-Border area
- Respiratory insufficiency unit creation/ equipment (ICU beds with physiotherapeutic options and side move
- Respiratory insufficiency unit creation/ equipment (ICU beds with physiotherapeutic options without side move
- Improvement of building infrastructure for Respiratory insufficiency unit
- Image analyzer in Cytology Lab for faster and more reliable results
- New DEXA scan for bone density measurement (later edition) for early diagnosis and prevention of osteoporosis
- PACS system for x-ray image digitalization
- Multifunction surgery bed for Neurosurgery procedures
- Bipolediatherm
- Software / data base for the blood donation station (procurement, installation, linkage, staff training) full and linked with the Central System